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伊莎贝拉·戈麦斯说她很害羞,很安静, 但在七年级的某一天,一切都改变了当她的唱诗班老师Mr. 弗雷泽让她在整个中学的美食广场唱歌. 戈麦斯回忆说:“这很可怕,但我走出了自我。. “Mr. 弗雷泽看得出来,我只是需要他推我一把.”

伊莎贝拉是2021届的学生,在这所学校长大, 2005年开始在m8体育幼儿园上课. 从那时起, 她在中学时演过戏剧, 在乐队里吹笛子, 我在ABS当过代表, 高中踢足球,直到膝盖受伤才被迫退出, 大二的时候还是啦啦队长. 目前,伊莎贝拉在唱诗班,国家荣誉协会,和教堂领导. When not at school or church, Isabella can be found as a model for local clothing boutique 柳树, 并自愿将她的声乐和钢琴才能奉献给当地的场馆和慈善机构, 包括“100位关心的女性”.”

伊莎贝拉的未来是什么? 她正在缩小选择范围,她知道自己想进入设计行业, 市场营销, 或者以某种身份参与敬拜音乐. 她在祈祷,祈求上帝指引她下一步该走的路, and feels like King’s Way is a safe place for her to explore those options and take a few small steps at a time until the Lord open doors. Isabella hopes to pursue the passions and talents that God has given her and is content that until then, 她可以继续学习更多关于上帝创造她的人.

伊莎贝拉的终极梦想? 澳大利亚悉尼的Hillsong. 这就是梦想.”





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Mason has been at King’s Way since he was in preschool and he’ll be in the first “virtual” graduating class, 感谢世界大事. 大约在他开始m8体育的同时,梅森开始学习空手道. He is a two-time black belt, having earned the kids version and the adult blackbelt over the years. Mason’s parents own East West Martial 艺术 and Mason has worked for them for four years.

看到了校园的需求, Mason created a coffee shop/cafe called “The Klatch” that served students and teachers with their daily dose of caffeine, 同时给梅森一些经营企业的经验. 学校是第一位的, 然而, and he had to close the cafe for a couple of weeks to take a break and catch up with the stressors of senior year.

Mason has taken classes beginning in 中学 at King’s Way that made an impression on him, 以至于他开始了摄影和录像的副业. 他还选修了平面设计1 & 他在自己作品的最后编辑中使用了这句话. 他的作品发表于 温哥华的杂志, 并继续通过他的镜头看世界.

回顾, 梅森最喜欢的老师是那些被认为最难的老师, 那些以“严格”著称的人.在他们的课堂上,他很紧张, but soon realized that they were just expecting more from him – and he was proud to see what he could accomplish. “我永远不会忘记我是如何在第一次就把事情做好的. 现在它已经在我心中根深蒂固了.“化学反应有纪律和正直的一面? 梅森是King 's Way践行使命的典范 与家庭合作,为整个孩子提供以基督为中心的教育, 导致每个学生的生活发生改变.

m8体育如何帮助梅森为未来做准备? “这有助于培养我的个人信仰. 在这里学习让我走上正轨,促使我成为更好的自己.'” 

在2020年秋天,梅森将进入乔治福克斯大学,主修商业 & 市场营销. 

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Mason has been at King’s Way since he was in preschool and he’ll be in the first “virtual” graduating class, 感谢世界大事. 大约在他开始m8体育的同时,梅森开始学习空手道. He is a two-time black belt, having earned the kids version and the adult blackbelt over the years. Mason’s parents own East West Martial 艺术 and Mason has worked for them for four years.

看到了校园的需求, Mason created a coffee shop/cafe called “The Klatch” that served students and teachers with their daily dose of caffeine, 同时给梅森一些经营企业的经验. 学校是第一位的, 然而, and he had to close the cafe for a couple of weeks to take a break and catch up with the stressors of senior year.

Mason has taken classes beginning in 中学 at King’s Way that made an impression on him, 以至于他开始了摄影和录像的副业. 他还选修了平面设计1 & 他在自己作品的最后编辑中使用了这句话. 他的作品发表于 温哥华的杂志, 并继续通过他的镜头看世界. 

回顾, 梅森最喜欢的老师是那些被认为最难的老师, 那些以“严格”著称的人.在他们的课堂上,他很紧张, but soon realized that they were just expecting more from him – and he was proud to see what he could accomplish. “我永远不会忘记我是如何在第一次就把事情做好的. 现在它已经在我心中根深蒂固了.“化学反应有纪律和正直的一面? 梅森是King 's Way践行使命的典范 与家庭合作,为整个孩子提供以基督为中心的教育, 导致每个学生的生活发生改变.

m8体育如何帮助梅森为未来做准备? “这有助于培养我的个人信仰. 在这里学习让我走上正轨,促使我成为更好的自己.'” 

在2020年秋天,梅森将进入乔治福克斯大学,主修商业 & 市场营销. 




我儿子从三岁起就是m8体育家族的一员. When we first toured the 学习中心 one of the remarks was how they love the kids like they are their own. Fast forward 5 years later and I can tell you without a doubt that my son is loved day in and day out.

我是个杞人忧天的人. 我一直都是. 然而,当我送儿子上学时,我再也不用担心了. 我知道他被爱着,他很安全. 我儿子上幼儿园的时候身体不舒服然后去找他的老师. 王子). 她说他脸色白得像个鬼,看起来好像要晕过去了, 于是她赶紧把孩子送到护士那里. 我去接他的时候,她还和他在一起. The fact that she stayed with him and then helped me carry my younger son out to the car put all my worries at ease, just knowing that he had a familiar and comforting face there with him while he was waiting for me to pick him up. My son is now in second grade and his teacher is actually the sister of his kindergarten/first grade teacher. 她同样善良,同样了不起. There is never a doubt in my mind that my son is cared for and loved and is growing both academically and spiritually each day. 他的老师们并不是唯一令人惊叹的人. 学校里的助手们也同样了不起. 今天,m8体育有一个所有学校的教堂. 我和我儿子坐在一起, 但我也带着我4个月大的女儿,她又累又烦, 这对她来说是不寻常的吗. 其中一名助手(Mrs. 彼得森走过来和我站在一起,抱着我的小女儿. It was in that moment, I knew that King’s Way not only loved my son, but my other kids as well. 这是一个家庭.

If you’ve been on the edge and you’re not quite sure King’s Way is the school for you. 我强烈建议你迈出这一步. 你不会后悔的. 如果你有时间,可以去所有学校的教堂看看. 我不是一个容易情绪化的人,但我不得不忍住眼泪. 它们更新了我的灵魂,帮助我原谅自己所犯的所有错误. 为人父母是很难的. 我知道我每天都搞砸,但我过着优雅的生活,而不是完美的生活. 在我作为父母(以及作为一个人)所犯的所有错误中,m8体育不在其中. 我们家最近发生了很大的变化, 但我们知道留下儿子是正确的决定, 即使这意味着我们可能不得不在其他地方做出改变.


我们家加入英皇大道已经11年了, 我们会强烈推荐这所学校给任何想要一个强大的, 全面的基督教教育, 非常了不起的老师, 温馨的环境, 体育运动, 阀杆, 远程学习的选择. 我们的孩子们接受的教育质量给我们留下了深刻的印象, and with the kindness and love that they have received from their teachers all throughout their school career. 我也在KW工作了6年,这是一个很棒的工作场所. 我们的员工真正热爱他们的工作, 我们有一群很棒的老师, 工作人员, 还有让每天上班都充满乐趣的管理者!! 来一趟旅游,亲眼看看这是一个多么神奇的地方!


This is the 2nd year my kids have attended King’s Way and it has been the most amazing school experience we have ever had. The teachers do more than care about academics and test scores, the truly love their students. My husband is going through cancer and we have been blown away time after time of how the 工作人员 and students support us. We have been impressed by the family feeling we get from 老师们 as well as other parents. 我的孩子们有一个很棒的基督社区ian friends surrounding them and walking beside them during this hardest time of their lives. In addition I love that my kids are learning more about God and are given opportunities to experience Him at school. The parent-teacher communication is great and I am always aware of how my kids are doing in all subjects. We feel unbelievably blessed to be a part of the King’s Way family, I HIGHLY recommend!

Michelle Rommel BAder, FACEBOOK

We have had 3 daughters attend King’s Way- our youngest has been here since preschool and is now a Junior in high school. I love that my children have had the privilege of having very attentive teachers that know my children well and have challenged them over the years to be the best version of themselves academically and spiritually.
在m8体育上学时, our girls have been able to participate in a variety of activities such as 体育运动, 唱诗班, 学生领导, 还有服务的机会,包括到世界各地传教.

他们的生活因为这些了不起的老师而变得更好, 教练和工作人员奉献自己的生命来领导和训练他们. 我很感激我们在m8体育度过的这么多年!

Tania Hutchin, FACEBOOK(现任二年级教师)

我的家人加入m8体育已经五年了. The teachers at both the learning center and elementary school have provided everything we hoped for and more in an education. 这些了不起的人关心提高我女儿的学习能力, but also care deeply about her character as a classmate and friend as well as her relationship with God. They truly provide the “whole child” experience in a way that goes above and beyond. 我们很感激能成为这个神奇社区的一员.

Barb Lauerman Andrews, FACEBOOK

我们四个孩子都在m8体育上学. 我们非常欣赏它的安全环境, 他们的信仰不会受到阻碍,反而会受到鼓励,茁壮成长. 易于管理的教室规模也是一个巨大的好处. 对我们来说,让我们的孩子留在m8体育是值得的.


Attending a school that is not too big and not too small can provide amazing opportunities for students… which is exactly what we found at King’s Way. My kids went there from K-12 and we are so grateful for the part that KW played in their lives! 他们有机会在教堂里带领敬拜音乐, 参加许多运动队, 学习如何成为领袖,每天聆听神的话语. Their level of academics (regular and advanced) and the caring teachers prepared my sons well for college and beyond. 我们永远感谢KW,并强烈推荐它!


今年七月,我们搬到了华盛顿. My wife and I were concerned about whether or not my children would be loved and accepted by the King’s Way community. Praise the Lord the families at King’s Way embraced our family and made us feel a part of the community immediately. m8体育是华盛顿州温哥华的一所特殊学校. 如果你喜欢安全, 友好的环境, m8体育基督教学校是一个很好的地方,为您的家庭.


今年七月,我们搬到了华盛顿. My wife and I were concerned about whether or not my children would be loved and accepted by the King’s Way community. Praise the Lord the families at King’s Way embraced our family and made us feel a part of the community immediately. m8体育是华盛顿州温哥华的一所特殊学校. 如果你喜欢安全, 友好的环境, m8体育基督教学校是一个很好的地方,为您的家庭.


强烈同意: 领导 在这所学校是有效的.
We have a new superintendent (2018-19 and beyond) who has revolutionized the leadership at KW. 我们喜欢变革的方向、承诺和轨迹!

我们非常幸运地将我们的三个儿子送进了英皇道基督教学校. 这所学校, 老师们, and the curriculum combine to create a learning environment where character is taught, 建模, 并鼓励. 在过去的几年里, we have watched our boys grow and develop into young men who truly care about others, 正在培养对主的爱吗, 同时也接受了良好的教育. 如果你在找保险箱, 为你的孩子提供基于信仰的教育, 我们强烈推荐m8体育基督教学校.
