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我们的中学生, 还有他们的学术和选修课, 运动方面的选择, 被邀请参加旅程剧场, 我们的戏剧合作伙伴,他们制作了精彩而专业的作品.


King’s Way Christian 高中 has a full slate of activities 设计ed to engage our student body and contribute to the positive community on campus. 

我们有返校节和返校舞会, 冬天正式, 毕业舞会, 精神周, 以及由啦啦队员领导的动员大会. Our National Honor Society 计划 service events like blood drives and the food and warmth drive, and we have a 基督教运动员团契 chapter and Bible studies that are student-led as well as teacher-led. 有 many roles to fill in Chapel 领导; from sound and tech crew to band and praise singing. Our school spirit is off the charts – we dress up for every sports event based on different themes and take rooter busses to state playoff events. There’s always something happening in the life of the school that gives us a reason to celebrate community and the pride of being King’s Way Knights!






LCREMA独奏 & 整体竞争



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在KWCS高中, 我们致力于帮助学生发现他们的领导潜力, 辨别他们的特殊天赋, 梦想如何运用他们的领导影响力, 然后在他们的高中经历中做领导的工作. 学生可以申请并加入国家荣誉学会, 他们在哪里领导他们的K-12服务机会和活动. 学生可以竞选和担任学生会领导职务, learning how to 计划 and lead major events in the life of the school and community. 学生可以报名参加教堂领导班, 他们在哪里制定战略, 计划, and implement weekly chapels and other school wide spiritual leadership events. 

另外, all high school students are encouraged to attend school leadership events held in the fall and the spring. These training events are 设计ed to help students identify key aspects of leadership and be encouraged to practice their gifts, 成长为神呼召他们成为的领袖. KWCS has even more leadership training opportunities in the works and looks forward to expanding and enhancing leadership training opportunities through our high school program and into the community.




m8体育创新实验室将成为学生创造的地方, 发现, 设计, 工程师, 并建立.

The new Innovation Lab will provide K-12 students a space 设计ed for students to explore STEM-related fields. 通过实时的批判性思维和试错活动, 学生学习设计解决现实世界问题的方案. 创新实验室 expands upon our vision for students to 发现, discern, dream, and do.

创新实验室, 预计2021年秋季开业, 是一个灵活的空间, 配有可移动设备和家具, so students can customize their experience and challenge themselves to achieve their personal best. It is available to students to work independently and collaboratively for classwork, 机器人和STEM竞赛, 以及任何学科的课外活动.



  • 2,100 平方英尺的空间设计为无限的可能性.


  • 高科技工具和资源, 包括:3D打印机, 发现无人驾驶飞机, TETRIX机器人, 以及各种编码程序和设备.
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Chromebook carts with a full classroom set are provided for each grade level. Students may be introduced to coding and innovative technology during 5th grade to help pique their interest for STEAM classes in 中学.


  • 聪明的 – A learning portal students use to access all their accounts and content from 老师.
  • 苛性液葡萄干 -一个全面的学习计划,旨在支持理解, 语法, 词汇和拼写. 学生享受由老师授课支持的互动式学习.
  • 无泪键盘 – Students learn important typing skills each year to enable them to be competent keyboardists, our curriculum also covers lessons in 数字公民hip and responsible use of technology.
  • Sumdog -一个有趣的游戏为基础的学习网站,让学生回答数学, 拼写或语法问题,可以与同龄人竞争, 学校和全国. 游戏和内容的正确结合.
  • BBC Micro:bit和shatter微控制器 -一个小设备,可以让学生连接led, motors and create code to program the controllers to execute specific functions.
  • Ozobots -迷你高尔夫球大小的机器人,内置多个传感器, students can program them using colored marker pens or online using blocks and code.


学生可以在每个教室使用chromebook. STEAM是一门硕士选修课,介绍的一些课程有:

  • 编程一小时 – During Computer Science Education Week, our middle school students participate in the 一个小时的编程时间.org.
  • MakeBlock, mbot机器人 – STEAM education robots that make learning robot programming simple and fun.

值得注意的是,当人们想到科技, 人们通常只会想到机器人和3D打印机. But the “T” in the technology part of STEAM stands for any type of man-made object/device. 技术 includes simple tools such as pulleys, wheels, levers, scissors, and ramps. Experience with these manipulative forms of technology acts as a significant contributing factor to a child’s cognitive development. As children observe and learn the underlying cause and effect through active exploration, their minds are better able to comprehend processes and so much of their future learning will build upon these foundations.  



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King’s Way Christian 高中 has rolled out its first 1:1 laptop program in 2020. This means that every high school student will be receiving a Chromebook that will be assigned to them for the school year. 他们的设备将是他们带回家的, 在上课的最后一天上交,以便维修. 回校学生将于下一学年获发相同的证书. 高中生将每两年获得一个新设备, and graduating seniors will be gifted their device to take with them to college.

我们同意国际教育技术协会(ISTE)的观点。, 谁为学生制定了标准, 老师, 管理员, 以及其他重要的学校角色. 以下是我们希望学生成为什么样的人的七个标准: 

1. 使学习者
2. 数字公民
3. 知识的构造函数
4. 创新的设计师
5. 计算的思想家
6. 创造性的传播者
7. 全球合作者通过适当使用技术 

像ISTE, 我们相信, 掌握在天才教师手中, technology can be integrated into a student’s educational experience in a way that helps students meet these standards.  



学生有机会通过宣教旅行服务 国内和国际. 宣教旅行挑战学生的个人成长, 在文化上, 在精神上,他们在言语和行为上分享福音. Students have been to places like inner city Baltimore, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Taiwan. 神在本地使用服事经历, 在全国范围内, 在全球范围内培养个人和企业对世界的热爱.   


  • 2 - 4次行程 每年安排一次
  • 二年级学生可以参加国内旅游 
  • 上层Classmen 都有资格去 在国际上 
  • 每队由6 - 25名学生组成 
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King’s Way Christian 高中 fosters a heart of service and compassion for people. 我们的一项精神培育学生成果报告说:  

Students will work and serve with respect and integrity wherever God has called them. 

  1. (Know) Understand that work and service have dignity as an expression of the nature of God.

  2. (Value) Embrace their role in fulfilling the Great Commission and their call to serve and not be served.

  3. (Do) Do their best work for the Lord and for others wherever they are called. (坳. 3:23)

Just as Jesus modeled and challenged his followers to 本地服务 and globally we want to do the same. 我们为学生提供机会,让他们透过圣经课 本地服务 邀请他们每年做20个小时的社区服务. This can take place individually through serving at different organizations like a local church or a food bank or with one of our local partnerships like the Giving Closet.



“同样的道理, 让你的光在别人面前闪耀, 叫他们看见你们的好行为,就荣耀你们在天上的父.”




m8体育学校的体育项目很兴旺. 我们的学生运动员在场上和场下都很有竞争力. Our program is built so that students who are interested in athletics will be able to build on their skills season-to-season as well as increase their goals. 同时,多项目运动员也得到支持和鼓励.



King 's Way热/冷/新鲜午餐由厨师Cara Wade每天新鲜准备, 厨务总监, 以及她训练有素的专业烹饪团队. 有 每日多种选择包括沙拉/土豆条、热午餐、配菜和饼干. 饼干和其他零食是额外的,但值得.

家庭必须登录进餐时间预付费. 请注意结帐时不接受现金/支票. 


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