Safely Open Plan

King's Way Christian Schools

King’s Way,

As we continue to partner with our families, communication is crucial. 学校领导团队专注于沟通、流程和愿景. 我们想要很好地沟通,但我们也想要准确地沟通.

The information in the video is essential information. 电子副本中的信息将帮助您了解我们重新开业计划的细节.

King’s Way Reopening Plan

The digital copy will be updated as information may change.

Thank you,
Jason Tindol Ed.D., Ed.S.
King’s Way Christian Schools

From the Task Force: Reopening FAQs


Face coverings: DOH Guidance on Face Coverings, Page 20 in the OSPI Reopening Doc.

OSPI Reopening Document

King’s Way Reopening Plan

Does a child need to have ANY symptom to be excluded from school on the list?

According to the OSPI protocols, yes. 如果上述任何一个问题的答案为“是”,或出现下列任何症状,该学生必须被开除学籍:

  • A cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • A fever of 100.4°F or higher or a sense of having a fever
  • A sore throat
  • Chills
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
  • Congestion/running nose – not related to seasonal allergies
  • Unusual fatigue

Does anyone in your household have any of the above symptoms? 您的学生是否与疑似或确诊的COVID-19患者有过密切接触? 你的学生在上学前吃过退烧药吗?


If one of my children develops symptoms during the day, do all siblings get sent home that day with him or her?



我们正在努力为可能需要更多的代课教师做准备,增加合格代课教师的数量,并制定安全培训计划(与Covid相关,以及我们的标准响应协议)。. 一旦我们与老师沟通了我们的计划,我们就可以与家人分享更多的信息.

Will you be honoring medical exemptions for not wearing a mask?

Yes. Please see pg. 20 in the Reopening Schools Document

Has a day been scheduled for schedule pick up and pictures for the HS?

Yes. Tuesday, September 8 students will come to school between 9:00 and 12:00 to:

  1. Pick up schedules
  2. Get student ID photos
  3. Pick up Chromebook
  4. Get assigned locker
  5. 表格将于九月的第一周以电子方式发送给学生和家长)



According to the CDC, FDA, 对于筛查者和学生来说,在大流行期间最安全的选择是使用非接触方式, infrared thermometer. m8体育将采用的流程反映了当地卫生专业人员和医院的流程, which is getting the reading from the forehead. 我们无法满足个人对阅读地点的要求. 我们也在探索在每个学校入口处安装温度读数摄像头的选择.

Can I make a mask made of mesh?

A mask made with mesh does not satisfy the requirements from the DOH. Click this link for more information, or access the OSPI Reopening Schools document (page 20).

How will the distancing be set up for Kindergarteners? When we toured the school all the kids were sitting at tables together.

We will have to separate out the desks so each student has their own space. However, this does not mean they will be confined to this space all day. 我们完全希望K班的学生在教室里走动,在短时间内,他们可以小组合作,也可以坐在地毯上. 我们可以在这样做的同时保护近距离接触(小于6英尺15分钟).

Will there be recess for elementary kids and how will that work?

所有的小学生都会有课间休息,让他们的大脑休息一下是很重要的. We will be dividing the outside space into 6 areas. Each class will have their own space to play for that day. Every day, each class will rotate to a new area. Each area will have its own equipment. 我们要求孩子们戴上面具,因为我们希望孩子们在玩耍时,彼此之间的距离在6英尺以内, if children want to keep their distance, they of course can. 我们将在持续的基础上评估休会,但这是我们计划的开始.


幼儿园和所有的小学生仍然有他们的特色菜. Library and Art teachers will move to classrooms. Gym, will be outside as much as possible. 音乐将在乐队室播放,因为我们的班级规模小,所以有足够的空间保持社交距离. 特殊教师每节课之间有10分钟的时间对设备进行消毒. 我们正在评估特色菜的时间表,以减少一周内不同的特色菜.  

How will I drop off for elementary work? Will they have set times for drop off for each class or grade level?

There will be a staggered drop off for elementary students. It will begin with a screening of temperature and symptoms. 不同的年级将被要求进入固定的门,流动将是单向的. Parents will be able to enter the building with their elementary child, but are not allowed to be in the classroom. 我们将为小学生和他们的家人提供接送学生的短视频,以便他们在返回校园之前熟悉.

Will the morning mile still happen for elementary students?

我们仍然想做晨跑,因为这对小学生来说是开始一天的好方法. 我们仍在关注物理距离,可能不得不将晨跑分成两个或更多组.


No, we are not planning on having plastic barriers.


Yes. Each student’s desk will be 6’ apart from each other.

How will social distancing be organized for high school lunch?

High school students will have several different areas they can eat. 这些区域将为我们提供空间,仍然坚持间隔6英尺的要求.

Will the school be allowed to offer band and choir?


How will community or classroom supplies be managed?

Whenever possible, we will be limiting shared materials. 在一些课程上,比如艺术或科学,可能会有学生分享东西的例子. 前后,学生要洗手,材料也要消毒. In addition, 一些房间将配备UCV消毒棒,对传统方法难以消毒的共用材料进行消毒.

What is the plan for sports/PE?

All school sponsored athletic activities are governed by the WIAA. The season dates, Covid protocols, requirements, etc. have changed frequently. Please go to their website for updates (  PE will still happen. We are working on how these details will look, 但我们当然希望让学生尽可能多地到户外活动.

Online Academy Info & FAQ’s

因此,如果我们做在线学院,孩子们可以问问题/“见”老师,如果他们有困难? 或者更像是遵循相同的课程,并在“家庭学校”类型的设置中观看课程? I’m just trying to figure out the parents role.

The Online Academy Handbook outlines the role of everyone (student, parent, home mentor, online academy learning liaison). 




  • Chapel 
  • Field trips 
  • Clubs 
  • Assemblies
  • Athletics
如果一个课程没有在线学院的学生,这个课程还会被记录吗? 即使我们是面对面的,我们也能看到能够回去重新观看课程的很多价值.


School Supplies List


Middle School

High School