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发现 上帝的爱

除了学术上的卓越, our students are taught about God’s love for us and our responsibility to love Him and 其他人—the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. The way that we care for and respect one another creates a caring and nurturing environment w在这里 we can focus on learning, without having to constantly filter out many of the social/emotional challenges that other students face in most schools today.

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King’s Way is committed to developing students with an ability to discern God’s truth. In a culture bombarding our children with messages competing for their attention and allegiance, a hallmark of a King’s Way student is one who can sift the truth from deception and light from the dark.

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King’s Way is a safe and encouraging place w在这里 children can dream about their future. 无论是通过学术, 一个贸易, 军队或传教场所, King’s Way wants students to be equipped to serve with excellence. 随着学生获得知识, 技能, 和能力, they are able to joyfully envision how God could use them to serve the common good.

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Once our students have discovered w在这里 they want to go and the positive impact they want to have in this life, we want King’s Way students who are confident of their significance and courageous in their pursuit of whatever the Lord calls them to do and be. This confidence comes through daily interaction with teachers and 工作人员 who daily mentor their students in what it means to know and serve God. 在一个有家的感觉的校园里, our love for one another helps compel us to engage with the world in ways that honor and glorify the Lord.

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Our goal is to create life-long learners who are passionate about Christ. We p艺术ner with our families in providing experiences and an education that lead to life change in each of our students. We believe King’s Way is more than just a school; we are a family and a community. At King’s Way our students’ education goes beyond the core classes; each student has the opportunity to explore creative opportunities like band, 唱诗班, 艺术, 中学语文班, 还有体育.

小学, 中间, 高中也提供课外活动, 俱乐部和体育运动帮助我们的学生达到价值观, 知识, 以及成为独立自主的学习者的技能.


King’s Way Christian 学校 is fully accredited by Washington State’s Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD), 并且符合华盛顿州的所有要求. King’s Way is also a member of the National Association of Independent 学校 (NAIS). 

1 .产品规格


负责人博士. Tindol has his Doctorate in Education and 65% of our teachers have their Master’s degrees. Dr. Tindol just finished a Certification in Advanced Educational 领导 (CAEL) at Harvard University, 和我们的中学校长, 作祈祷马克的, 他刚刚从华盛顿州立大学获得了教学硕士学位. Professional development opportunities are provided and required of all King’s Way teachers.


幼儿园(1-3岁)= 1:7
学龄前(3-5岁)= 1:10
K-3= 1:18
4-5= 1:22
6-8= 1:25
9-12= 1:15-28


个性强 is a research based social-emotional curriculum that positively impacts student engagement, 归属感, 个人幸福. Each interactive lesson is tailored to meet the unique needs of students in each grade level and promotes positive community in classrooms and among all 工作人员 and students. 


必备:学生内部 & 外部安全

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Studies tell us that when children witness bullying (this includes nearly all children ages twelve and older) and do not respond in a prosocial way, 他们的勇气, 同情, 而相关的美德反而减少了. 但反之亦然. When children respond to bullying in a strong and non-violent manner, 他们的勇气, 同情, 相关的美德在那时和将来都会增加. 

我们和守护者合作过 an internationally recognized organization founded by Paul Coughlin, 帮助我们的学校做更多的工作来识别和减少欺凌行为. 考夫林首先向学生讲话, 工作人员, 教师, 而父母给他带来智慧, 的见解, 为我们的社区提供经验. By helping these various groups in knowing how to handle adolescent behavior in a biblical manner, we believe this p艺术nership will help our students obtain courage, 信仰, 以及终身的领导技能. The end goal is to foster courage and leadership in our students to help create a beautiful community at King’s Way.   



观察D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative. 观察D的目标.O.G.S. 程序是tO为学生树立正面的男性榜样, 他们的存在证明了教育的重要性, 以及 provide an extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. 了解更多关于观察D的信息.O.G.S. 在这里.


我们相信每个孩子都是有目的的 and that we p艺术ner with parents to help students discover and fulfill that purpose through identifying and cultivating their unique talents, 礼物, 技能, 和能力.

我们相信学校应该是一个充满关怀和安全的社区 在哪里培养学生的智力, 在情感上, 社会, 在精神上追求上帝赋予他们的潜能.

We believe in working toward clearly 艺术iculated student outcomes that will prepare students to enter the world and job market able to be confident, 创新, 协作, 批判性思考者.

我们相信圣经世界观的整合 into every aspect of the student experience so that students can discern the world through the lens of Scripture.

我们相信装备学生 to grow in their relationship with Christ so that they can ultimately discover and fulfill God’s call on their lives.

我们相信帮助学生 变得相对成熟和有自我意识, able to interact with 其他人 respectfully and effectively in the classroom, 在操场上, 或者在运动场上.

我们相信发展管理伦理 so that students care deeply about the holistic health of themselves, 其他人, 以及我们生活的世界.


Represents over five decades of affordable Christian care and education

A Christian school is more than just adding Bible classes to a regular school curriculum. We are dedicated to the task of providing a distinctively Christian academic environment for our students.




Financial Aid is now 变量的学费, which is income-based aid for qualifying families.